My mom had major surgery Monday and I "made" her come to Albany to have it with a really good doctor, that I also happen to go to. Anyway, my sister is much better at the hospital thing, since she is a nurse and knows exactly what to ask and how to offer help. Plus, she is way less spastic about such things than me!
Nate took Brylee for a walk to get the mail (again) to so I could have a few minutes to regroup without a total mental meltdown! Don't get me wrong,
I loved every minute I had with Brylee but I am sure God knew what he was doing by not giving us children, it is 5 years later and I still couldn't handle it every day! I have a total peace about it and have always lacked any desire to have children. I have always thought adopting would be the way to go if I was ever given the opportunity! I always feel like I have to justify this to well meaning people though! I also learned a bit about when the Bible talks about "faith like a child". Brylee is going through a phase where she is scared of running cars. While taking her for a "walk" to the mail box, for the first time that day, she heard the engine of a large dump truck in the distance. She couldn't see it but she knew it was there and wasn't sure when or if it would even appear. She immediately grabbed my leg and said "TT up"(TT is my nick name short for Auntie). I picked her up and assured her it was going to be ok "TT has you now". She was immediately calm and we got the mail, then we even walked to the ed
ge of the woods and watched as dirt was loaded into the truck. She had no fear in my arms. It reminded me of how it is with our Heavenly Father. Brylee felt safe in my arms even though I had no power to really protect her from her feared truck, other than moving out of its way! Our Heavenly Father has infinitely more power to protect us when we run, freighted, into His arms! Perhaps trust like a child is part of "faith like a child". Even an exhausted TT was happy to carry weary Brylee up that long driveway, how much further our Heavenly Father will carry us when we are weary and scared!!

What a beautiful picture of God's love! He has wrapped me in his very capable arms so many times! :) Thanks for sharing!
Amen, thank you for sharing this Lisa.... you are a blessing.
Yes, thanks for sharing!
Perfect! You fill such a vital roll as Auntie to Brylee- it does take a village to raise a child, afterall. I love the image of being carried in His arms.
Aw! We love your pictures Lisa. I'm sure you're an amazing Aunt! How do you get pictures in your blog? I haven't been able to figure it out.
Hi Lisa,
Thanks so much for your postings. I really enjoy them and it's a great way to stay in touch. Please give my love to Aunt Sally, and keep up the great writing work.
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