So, last year I tried to create some "Christmas cheer" by making hubby his favorite sugar cookies! This year we put the tree up together (yes, still fake) AND instead of my 'boring, 75% off, coordinated red and silver bulbs' we dug out all our "old ones" from childhood through the last 12 years of marriage. This is the first year since my aneurysm, they came out and were put on the tree. It just seemed too overwhelming in recent years. All these 'orderless' ornaments and the decisions, oh the decisions. Which ones do we put on? Where should they go on the tree??? Is it too heavy for that branch?? the list is endless so I just didn't bother. Pulling out my red and silver bulbs was so much easier! Each one was the same so all I had to do was space out the colors evenly (hahaha, why even bother with that, silver, red, silver, red, repeat, done.)This year after a glorious, quiet day at home, hubby
made me pull out the "memories." Probably, truthfully part of the overwhelming part was the fear of "not remembering" when I pulled them out. Then I would have to deal with that all over. As it turns out, I do remember most of them and the others, hubby didn't either, so we just guessed where they came from based on who it 'looked like' from gift giving past! Baby steps still.................
Fancy Lenox wedding gift! It goes perfectly with the tree skirt and matching stockings, lovingly made for us as a wedding gift too!!! |
Dogs under the tree never gets old to me! |
Beautiful! I am so happy you are Happy, and your dog looks so happy too! Well done!
Love Nan
Beautiful! Good job and looks like a very happy dog too!
I am trying again, I seem to have a problem posting on this one.
I think we are ready for the pre-
Christmas storm tonight. It had sure gotten the ground white again on top of a layer of ice that built up all day. We had to cancel two appointments for Ellen which were thankfully not critical. The generator is all set up and it started so hopefully it will pull start again if we need it. I don't mind but Ellen gets very cold these days.
I celebrate yoour victory over the tree decorating. You are doing better than us, we don't do trees anymore and I just got the wreath up on the front door. I think it loos nice and Ellen thinks it needs more stuff on it. We are working on it.
Now for some Christmas music. I think Ellen had some brain injury when she had her meningitis because since then sounds seem to bother her. Hard to get the volume just right. The cat is easy to please, just feed him!
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