As you know I attended a "hike-a-thon" for the Brain Aneurysm Foundation. We all braved the cold and rain but it was well worth it! The hike was in memory of a girl who was 13 when she passed away at Albany Med of a ruptured aneurysm, much like mine probably. Ironically, we walked right past the first school I taught at. For the first time in six years, I was able to walk past a piece of my past and not feel sad about all that was "lost", the life I had planned. That life did not include an aneurysm, three brain surgeries, a stroke, TBI, and permanent disability causing fatigue that is relentless. The Lord has given me something even better now though it doesn't feel like it some days! It was nice to remember the past and embrace it as part of me but, I honestly wasn't sad. It was interesting to think about how much life had changed since I last walked past that school. I had literally relearned how to walk since being there last! Thank you Lord for letting me walk there again!!

At this walk I also met another survivor. 'K' found me on the Brain Aneurysm Foundation support pages and we have been emailing each other for months now. She was 23 when her aneurysm ruptured while on a trip to FL. We have a lot of things to talk about/in common as you can imagine (even a pet named Mookie). Meeting 'K' in person was the highlight of the walk and it was great to be able to connect with someone who can not only sympathize but truly understands because she has been there too. 'K' amazes me. She was released from the hospital on a Tuesday in FL and was the maid of honor in her sister's wedding in NY on Saturday! Six years later and I still would have a hard time with that!!! I was having trouble just trying to talk while walking...lol. 'K' brought her mom, sister, and a few good friends. The whole group of them were amazing, friendly, open people....did I mention how much fun I had?? :-) Thank you so much to those who generously supported the cause! Thank you also for everyone supporting me with love and prayers as I continue to recover, still!!!

I will never cease to be inspired by you. Never.
Had a great time and was so happy to finally get to meet the person who has had such an impact on my recovery! 'K'
It was great to meet you and your mother also. Thanks for being such a good friend to 'K'. Stay well and stay strong!-Tish
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